2/26/25: My most unpopular opinion?!
This is a very perculiar first blog entry but oh well! I hope this doesn't anger anyone but I do not like frutiger aero. It instills a primal rage within me, but I actually used to be a massive fan of the aesthetic (you know what else is massive?) wayback in the ancient year of 2022 the term "Frutiger Aero" was coined by the internet to describe that brief period of time in between 2007-2012 where tech companies decided to represent a bright and beautiful future, and I LOVED it my first site was actually inspired by it I was frutiger's greatest warrior, but now I've grown to despise it. I feel like it's grown too big for it's own good and so many of it's sub genres make no sense at all. My biggest gripe is that other aesthetics that used to have other names have been consumed by frutiger aero such as "Frutiger Metro" which actually had a few different names such as "Metro" "Vector Vomit" and many many more, but it got tossed under the frutiger umbrella despite the fact it never used the Frutiger typeface. Another reason I don't care for frutiger anymore is that it's original meaning has been all but lost the "Frutiger" part of the name came from the fact so many graphics, ads, and ux under the umbrella used the "Frutiger" typeface a defining font of the era. My final reason for hating is I grew up within the 2000s and early 2010s and I've watched so much of my childhood be taken, and get labeled under random new aesthetics such as "Frutiger Aero" but I guess this is karma for people my age romantizicing the 80s and 90s when we were growing up it really did comeback to bite me in the ass.
I just want to say my hatred for frutiger aero isn't directed at anyone who likes it! I just wanted to rant about how I don't like frutiger aero and it's sub genres."